Dental Veneers in Lexington, SC
Dental veneers, also referred to as “porcelain laminates,” are an extremely effective cosmetic service that provides a dramatic improvement in the appearance of your smile. At Northwood Dental Associates, we provide beautiful smiles with our dental laminates in the Lexington, SC area.
The laminate shells used in this procedure are created to improve the natural shine, shade, and shape of your existing teeth. The shells are thin, yet very strong, and are placed over the surface of your teeth to mask any and all imperfections. They are bonded directly to the visible part of the natural tooth to improve size, appearance, length, color, and shape.
Benefits of Veneers
Laminates can solve several imperfections including:
- Unevenly-shaped Teeth
- Discolored Teeth
- Chipped Teeth
- Broken Teeth
- Gaps between Teeth
Veneers offer a wide range of benefits for our patients. There are many reasons why a patient chooses this procedure:
- It’s an easy way to improve your smile
- Porcelain is a long lasting, strong material that doesn’t irritate the mouth
- Porcelain veneers are stain resistant
- They provide a natural-looking, beautiful smile
Are Veneers Right for Me?
If you are interested in our veneers procedure, you will first want to undergo a consultation with Dr. Eddie Rogers. We will talk to you about your smile improvement goals and create a cosmetic treatment plan that will work for you.
Once we’ve determined that you are a candidate for the procedure, we will perform some X-rays and a comprehensive examination. During these initial appointments, it is important to discuss your full expectations. We will also take photos and impressions of your teeth that will be used to create your custom dental veneers.
How to Care for Dental Veneers
You should take care of your newly veneered teeth just as you would regular teeth- with daily brushing, flossing, and visiting the dentist for routine cleanings. You may want to avoid food or drink that stains the teeth so your natural teeth will continue to match the shade of your porcelain laminates.
Once your veneers are in place, you will want to immediately have a protective occlusal guard or “night guard” made. This appliance will act to protect your teeth from clenching and grinding and will safeguard your veneers from breaking.
If you want to whiten your teeth, it is best to do so prior to getting veneers. This will help to prevent an unevenly colored smile, as porcelain laminates will not bleach. With this in mind, whitening your teeth and then matching the veneers to your newly lightened smile is the best route.
If you have always had problems with gum disease or tooth decay, then this is not a great option for you because veneers can fall off or become damaged by tooth decay. Also, if you grind your teeth, you could damage laminates fairly easily, and they may not last as long. Laminates can last about 5-10 years and will eventually need to be updated and replaced.
A crown is a strong, permanent covering that fits over a tooth that is either decayed, damaged, or cracked. Crowns are indicated when the tooth is too badly broken or weakened to support a filling as the restorative option. Crowns are made to look exactly like the natural tooth and the materials available today for crowns are extremely esthetic.
The treatment process for a patient receiving a crown involves:
- Numbing the tooth
- Removing the decay and old filling material
- Re-sculpting the tooth with a new filling, called a “buildup,” to provide an ideal fit for the final crown
- Taking an impression of your teeth in order for the lab to create a custom-made crown
- Making a temporary crown out of acrylic resin and fitting it onto the tooth during the interim period when the permanent custom-made crown is being created
- Delivering the permanent crown (when received from the lab) by removing the temporary crown and fitting the permanent one onto the tooth
- After ensuring that the crown has the proper fit and that you are 100% satisfied with its feel and esthetics, the dentist cements it permanently into place
The crown process generally consists of two visits over a three-week period. Once the procedure is completed, proper dental hygiene, including daily brushing and flossing, is required to maintain healthy, bacteria-free teeth, gums and to preserve decay-free crown margins. Given proper home care and regular dental cleanings, your crowns can last a lifetime.
A bridge is a fixed, permanent dental device that fills a space that a tooth previously occupied. The two teeth on either side of the missing tooth are utilized as anchors or “abutments” to hold the bridge in place.
Why would I want a bridge?
- Prevents shifting of the teeth that could lead to bite problems
- You never have to remove it, as with a partial denture
- Helps protect the abutment teeth with full coverage restorations if they have large fillings
- To safeguard the integrity of existing teeth and help maintain a healthy, vibrant smile
There are two main types of bridges:
- A three-unit fixed bridge consists of a filler tooth, called a pontic, that is attached to two crowns, which fit over the existing teeth and hold the bridge in place
- The “Maryland” winged bridge is commonly used to replace missing front teeth and consists of a filler tooth that is attached to one or two “wings” that are bonded to the abutment teeth.
- This is a great option for teenagers who are missing front teeth but are too young for implants
- Maryland winged bridges are also a very esthetic option for adults who may not have enough bone for an implant
- A very conservative restorative option – require minimal to no prepping or drilling on the anchor teeth
Contact our expert team to discuss your options today. Feel free to view our entire list of services to learn about the other ways that we can improve your oral health and smile.
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